Fri, 21 December 2018
Our Caped Crusader is ticked off to learn there is a new female vigilante in Gotham City. Her strong-arm tactics and masked identity make her a clear counterpart to Batman. In our discussion, we explore the concept of the "inner voice" based in self-determination theory. What does our internal self instruct us to do, and how are we motivated by ourselves? Finally, what is Batman's inner voice and how does he self-direct? Join us for the discussion!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_125_22Mystery_of_the_Batwoman22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm PST
Fri, 23 November 2018
It's our final official episode covering Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures! The Judge is on a spree to serve his own version of justice throughout Gotham City, targeting some of the most infamous and dangerous rogues and a corrupt Gotham City council member asserts that this harsh approach is more effective than sending each criminal to the "revolving door of Arkham." Batman's shrewd detective work leads to a surprising discovery: Two-Face IS The Judge! In our discussion, we explore possible explanations for Two-Face's third persona -- is it best captured with a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities)? Or better explained as bizarre personality shifts following a traumatic brain injury? Another possible explanation is Harvey Dent's willful self-destruction. As this is the last episode produced as part of the animated collection, we address how the themes of rogue lawfulness and subversion of community moral standards fit in with Batman lore. Also, announcements about our next chapter are made!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_124_22Judgment_Day22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 4:00am PST
Fri, 5 October 2018
What happens when a charismatic investigative journalist is exposed to both the Joker's laughing toxin AND the very chemicals that transformed the dastardly mobster into the Joker? The Creeper! We've got some serious topics ahead in this one; including sexual assault and mania. So tune in to hear what we have to say about the Creeper.
Direct download: Episode_123_22Beware_the_Creeper22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 5:13pm PST
Fri, 21 September 2018
Bruce Wayne finally finds the perfect romantic partner to drive him out of the crime-fighting game for good! In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, one member of the duo's opinion of Bruce Wayne changes dramatically, while both acknowledge the tragedy that is the betrayal Bruce feels when he discovers that his wife is actually one of Poison Ivy's pod creations, entangled in a plot to kill Bruce (as well as several other prominent Gotham business men and women) and take his money.
Direct download: Episode_122_22Chemistry22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 2:35pm PST
Fri, 7 September 2018
It's the episode many have been waiting for! "Mad Love" introduces us to the origin of Harley Quinn, formerly known as Harleen Quinzel. And Drea has a TON to say about this tale, so buckle up and settle in for this extra-long, extra-special eagerly anticipated episode of The Arkham Sessions!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_121_22Mad_Love22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 6:14pm PST
Fri, 24 August 2018
"Girls' Night Out" is an unapologetic celebration of the feminine superhero. In this episode, we explore important perspectives on gender differences in cooperation and fighting, including concepts from evolutionary psychology and feminist psychology.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_120_22Girls_Night_Out22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 3:29pm PST
Sat, 11 August 2018
This is a strikingly divergent episode, portraying three distinct, stylized representations of Batman: the Golden Age, Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, and, of course, Batman: The Animated Series. This smart episode can be seen as a celebration of the Batman mythology, legacy, and core aspects of character. In our discussion, we explore the concept of Parasocial Relationships and the feelings of true "distress" when our favorite characters die or favorite show comes to an end.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_119_22Legends_of_the_Dark_Knight22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:27pm PST
Fri, 27 July 2018
Were you unable to attend San Diego Comic-Con last week? No problem! We have you covered. This week, we present our 2018 Comic-Con panel: The Psychology of Robin, Batman's First Sidekick; featuring our very special guest, Mr. Loren Lester, the voice of Dick Grayson!
Direct download: Episode_118_22SDCC_2018_The_Psychology_of_Robin_Batmans_First_Sidekick22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm PST
Fri, 13 July 2018
We're BACK! In this episode Drea and Brian revisit Dr. Philip Zimbardo and the controversial Stanford Prison Experiment to discuss the demon, Etrigan, and his lack of "intelligent disobedience." Plus, you can find out what we're up to at San Diego Comic-Con next week! Tune in now!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_117_22The_Demon_Within22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 2:39pm PST
Fri, 6 April 2018
It's our live panel from WonderCon 2018, entitled "The Psychology of Batman: The Animated Series," with our very special guest Londyn Jackson (@BlueLondynSkies), from the stellar History of the Batman podcast.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_116_22WonderCon_201822.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 11:15am PST
Fri, 9 February 2018
We take a break from the Arkham video games and return to The New Batman Adventures for one of our all-time favorite episodes, "Old Wounds." This is the story of the rift between Bruce and Dick that we've all wanted to see! Are Brian's feelings about Bruce vindicated? Or is Bruce still "doing the best he can with what he's got," as Drea's always said. We have A LOT of fun in this episode of The Arkham Sessions!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_115_22Old_Wounds22.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 4:26pm PST
Fri, 2 February 2018
You asked for it! In the first of our two-part fourth anniversary celebration, we explore Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman: Arkham Asylum; including some of the games' clinical treatments and therapeutic approaches, and we break down the palpable, intense relationship between Batman and the Joker. We also offer our own reactions to the portrayals of mental health in this video game popular video game franchise. Though highly entertaining, beautifully designed and rich with psychological representations, the Arkham video game series remains a problematic cornerstone in our pop culture because of its disservice to the mental health field. Find out why.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_1_14_The_Arkham_Games_Pt._1.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 1:58pm PST