THE ARKHAM SESSIONS, by Dr. Andrea Letamendi and Brian Ward, is a weekly podcast dedicated to the observation and clinical analysis of the characters in BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and DOOM PATROL.
The Arkham Sessions, Episode 28 "Dreams in Darkness"

If Batman ended up in an Arkham Asylum cell, would he be deemed "normal?" Or would the Gotham facility known for housing the "criminally insane" keep him under lock and key? Fighting the onset of paranoid delusions and vivid hallucinations, Batman struggles to reveal the real cause of his insanity: The Scarecrow. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the experience of being hospitalized for psychiatric reasons, the dangers of labeling people with disorders, and the feelings of dehumanization sometimes perceived by patients in the mental health care system.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_28_Dreams_in_Darkness.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:00am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 27 "Mad as a Hatter"

How far would you go to earn the affection of someone you love? Send them a roomful of gifts? Surprise them at their doorstep? Advance the science of neurotechnology to a whole new level by developing mind-controlling head accessories? In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we explore the delusions and dangers of obsessive, unrequited love as only personified by the Mad Hatter.

The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of Stalking In ‘Batman: Mad As A Hatter’

How far would you go to earn the affection of someone you love? Send them a roomful of gifts? Surprise them at their doorstep? Advance the science of neurotechnology to a whole new level by developing mind-controlling head accessories?

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of Stalking In 'Batman' |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_27_Mad_as_a_Hatter.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:50am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 26 "Appointment in Crime Alley"

Are Bruce and Dr. Leslie Thompkins enacting a healthy coping method by commermorating the Waynes every year in "Crime Alley?" Or is this a sign of prolonged grief and their inability to move on? In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss how some people who experience trauma and negative life events can get "stuck" on bad thoughts which keep them from overcoing the tragedies in their lives.

Are Bruce and Leslie enacting a healthy coping method by commemorating the Waynes every year in “Crime Alley”, or is this a sign of prolonged grief and their inability to move on? In this episode of the Arkham Sessions, we discuss how some people who experience trauma and negative life events can get “stuck” on bad thoughts which keep them from overcoming the tragedies in their lives.   

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: 'Appointment In Crime Alley' |

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 25 "The Clock King"

It's about time! The Arkham Sessions returns to the analysis of Batman: The Animated Series with a classic favorite, "The Clock King." The title villain is a seemingly harmless, time-obsessed efficiency expert who learns the unfortunate lession that one small change in his schedule can turn him into a vengeful killer. The show delves into the traits and states of people who are obsessive-compulsive and has us asking if rigidity and extreme order can actually cause more harm than good.

The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In ‘Batman: The Clock King’

It’s about time! The Arkham Sessions returns to the analysis of every episode of Batman: The Animated Series with a classic favorite, “The Clock King.” The title villain is a seemingly harmless, time-obsessed efficiency expert who learns the unfortunate lesson that one small change in his schedule can turn him into a vengeful killer. Of course, Batman won’t let him get away with demolishing trains, overriding the city’s traffic controls, and strapping Gotham’s mayor to the top of the clock tower. With some insight from the episode’s writer, the show delves into the traits and states of people who are obsessive-compulsive. The psychologically satisfying episode has us asking if rigidity and extreme order can actually cause more harm than good.

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In The Clock King |

The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In ‘Batman: The Clock King’

It’s about time! The Arkham Sessions returns to the analysis of every episode of Batman: The Animated Series with a classic favorite, “The Clock King.” The title villain is a seemingly harmless, time-obsessed efficiency expert who learns the unfortunate lesson that one small change in his schedule can turn him into a vengeful killer. Of course, Batman won’t let him get away with demolishing trains, overriding the city’s traffic controls, and strapping Gotham’s mayor to the top of the clock tower. With some insight from the episode’s writer, the show delves into the traits and states of people who are obsessive-compulsive. The psychologically satisfying episode has us asking if rigidity and extreme order can actually cause more harm than good.

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In The Clock King |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_25_The_Clock_King.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:09am PST