THE ARKHAM SESSIONS, by Dr. Andrea Letamendi and Brian Ward, is a weekly podcast dedicated to the observation and clinical analysis of the characters in BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and DOOM PATROL.

The majority of Gotham's Rogues Gallery--Poison Ivy, Two-Face, The Penguin, Killer Croc and The Joker--are together to enjoy an evening of poker and storytelling, as they each get the chance to recount their tales of almost killing Batman. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we get a unique chance to take a look at each of our main Rogues; from their strengths to their shortcomings. We also get a chance to analyze Batman's own strengths and shortcomings with each of his nemeses. And we even get a little visit with Catwoman. This and more in this epic episode!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_46_Almost_Got_Im.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 12:14pm PST

Man-Bat returns! Or does he? In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we re-visit Batman: The Animated Series' original villain, Dr. Kirk Langstrom. But he's not the same man, having been dealing with the aftermath of his transformations for the past year. But so has his wife. It's the perfect time for Dr. Andrea Letamendi to check in on their recovery!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_45_Terror_in_the_Sky.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:54am PST

Kyodai Ken has returned and this time, he plans to end Batman's life by discovering a 500-year-old scroll that holds the secret to the "Kiba no Hoko," a fighting style so lethal it can kill Batman with a single touch! This episode of The Arkham Sessions explores Batman's self-concept and how others influence his sense of self.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_44_Day_of_the_Samurai.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 3:14pm PST

Meet Anthony Romulus, an athlete determined to be the best. But those ambitions could cost him more than he ever bargained for. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions,we take on steroids and something called Clinical Lycanthropy!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_43_Moon_of_the_Wolf.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 10:22am PST

The Arkham Sessions is back with an in-depth look at one of the most fantastical episodes of Batman: The Animated Series, "Tyger, Tyger." The science fiction of genetically engineered cat-people aside, the unique episode deals with the tragic issues related to Dr. Dorian's condition. We compare his motivations to Man-Bat, who was equally delusional, but not as interested in creating familial relationships the way Dr. Dorian does. This episode of The Arkham Sessions is dedicated to the memory of a member of our family and the perfect feline, Anya.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_42_Tyger_Tyger.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 9:08am PST

Our first LIVE episode of The Arkham Sessions! From San Diego Comic Fest, we bring you our conversation about "Joker's Wild!" This discussion with the audience gives us the perfect chance to re-analyze the Joker as well as Batman, himself. Especially since this episode proves that he can, at times, be a little too single-minded, putting the lives of those he's trying to protect in jeopardy.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_41_Jokers_Wild_LIVE.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:13am PST

It's taken 40 episodes, but we're FINALLY introduced to The Riddler and it's worth the wait, as we talk about the battle of wits between Batman and the newest member of his Rogues Gallery. But is Batman off his game a little in Round 1? Or is he giving Robin the chance to step up? Is either scenario a healthy one? Find out in this episode of The Arkham Sessions!


Wayne Enterprises is working on Artificial Intelligence, but this a good idea? After all, the man responsible for teaching Bruce everything he knows about electronics has already developed his own supercomputer and it's not working out well. We talk about A.I., hypothesize that this episode isn't really about A.I. at all, discuss Roko's Basilisk and more on this episode of The Arkham Sessions.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_39_Heart_of_Steel.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 10:55am PST

Is Batman stressed out? During this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we take a look at relaxation therapy with Dr. Hugo Strange. We also take a moment to sample one real relaxation technique. Listen to this episode for a chance to get de-stressed!


On this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we revisit the weird love triangle between Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle and... Batman. Will Bruce ever win Selina's heart? Does he even really want to? And will he ever be able to look past her criminal history?

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_37_Cat_Scratch_Fever.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:00am PST

In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we revisit the relationship between Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. Once again, resentment is exhibited by Dick as he tries to deal with Bruce's perfectionistic and strict mentoring style. Dick may be on to something--Bruce appears to be closed off when it comes to the expression of his emotions. In fact, he may have deficits in the area of emotional intelligence, which is one's ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_36_Night_of_the_Ninja.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:54am PST

We revisit our analysis of The Joker, this time taking into account his relationship with Harley Quinn. Harley is dangerously in the way of The Joker's wild, impulsive antics. Is The Joker compassionate enough to save her? Listen to the episode for the full psychological analysis of this villainous pair!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Epsiode_35_The_Laughing_Fish.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:38am PST

This episode of The Arkham Sessions covers the final act of the highly-acclaimed 2-part episode of Batman: The Animated Series, which explores the story of how Dick Grayson becomes Batman's sidekick. In the emotional conclusion, Robin is faced with a decision that could change his life forever.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_34_Robins_Reckoning_Part_2.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:00am PST

On this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we take a look at just how similar the Batman and Robin are, psychologically speaking. It's the highly-acclaimed, Emmy-winning episode of Batman: The Animated Series, "Robin's Reckoning, Part 1," in which we investigate the death of Robin's family and how he ultimately joined forces with Batman. How's he coping now? Take a listen to find out!

This week, we discuss the highly acclaimed, Emmy-winning episode of Batman: The Animated Series, “Robin’s Reckoning.” We cover Part 1, in which we’re shown Robin’s origin story. We discover who killed Robin’s family and how he joined forces with Batman.

Read More: How Psychologically Similar Are Batman And Robin? |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_33_Robins_Reckoning_Part_1.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Based on the 1975 Detective Comics story "The Cape and Cowl Death Trap" by Elliot S. Maggin, this episode of Batman: The Animated Series features a relatively unknown crook by the name of Wormwood. Full of grandiosity and egoism, Wormwood quickly bites the bait when he's propositioned by a colleague into getting Batman's cape and cowl. Although we see Riddler-esque trickery and brain-teasers within Wormwood's interrogations, the episode isn't really about this subpar villain. Rather, it sheds some light onto Batman's tactics and his questionable moral decisions. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss Batman's behavior as far as his approach toward torture, manipulation and deceitfulness.


In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we gently put aside the VHS and screen a contemporary work from the DC animated universe. This is our spoiler-free anaysis of Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Black Spider, Killer Frost and, of course, the Joker. This is Batman: Assault on Arkham!

In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we gently put aside the VHS and screen a contemporary work from DC Universe Animated. Use the player above to listen to our spoiler-free analysis of Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Black Spider, Killer Frost, KB Beast, and, of course the Joker.

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of Batman: Assault on Arkham |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_31_Batman_Assault_on_Arkham.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:33am PST

In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the fascinating neuroscience of dreams and the growing research supporting our ability to control our own actions within them!

In our analysis, we discuss the fascinating neuroscience of dreams and the growing research supporting our ability to control our actions in dreams. Furthermore, by raising the scenario of being “plugged into a dream machine,” this episode dares us to contemplate the importance of an existence in which we have free will, motivation, and actual contact with an unfiltered reality. Before The MatrixThe Nexus, and Inception, there was Batman: The Animated Series.

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology & Science Of Dreaming |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_30_Perchance_to_Dream.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:32am PST

In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we delve deeper into Poison Ivy's psychology by exploring her predilection for plants and her fanatic, destructive level of devotion to protect them.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_29_Eternal_Youth.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 11:17am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 28 "Dreams in Darkness"

If Batman ended up in an Arkham Asylum cell, would he be deemed "normal?" Or would the Gotham facility known for housing the "criminally insane" keep him under lock and key? Fighting the onset of paranoid delusions and vivid hallucinations, Batman struggles to reveal the real cause of his insanity: The Scarecrow. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the experience of being hospitalized for psychiatric reasons, the dangers of labeling people with disorders, and the feelings of dehumanization sometimes perceived by patients in the mental health care system.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_28_Dreams_in_Darkness.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:00am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 27 "Mad as a Hatter"

How far would you go to earn the affection of someone you love? Send them a roomful of gifts? Surprise them at their doorstep? Advance the science of neurotechnology to a whole new level by developing mind-controlling head accessories? In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we explore the delusions and dangers of obsessive, unrequited love as only personified by the Mad Hatter.

The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of Stalking In ‘Batman: Mad As A Hatter’

How far would you go to earn the affection of someone you love? Send them a roomful of gifts? Surprise them at their doorstep? Advance the science of neurotechnology to a whole new level by developing mind-controlling head accessories?

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of Stalking In 'Batman' |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_27_Mad_as_a_Hatter.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:50am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 26 "Appointment in Crime Alley"

Are Bruce and Dr. Leslie Thompkins enacting a healthy coping method by commermorating the Waynes every year in "Crime Alley?" Or is this a sign of prolonged grief and their inability to move on? In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss how some people who experience trauma and negative life events can get "stuck" on bad thoughts which keep them from overcoing the tragedies in their lives.

Are Bruce and Leslie enacting a healthy coping method by commemorating the Waynes every year in “Crime Alley”, or is this a sign of prolonged grief and their inability to move on? In this episode of the Arkham Sessions, we discuss how some people who experience trauma and negative life events can get “stuck” on bad thoughts which keep them from overcoming the tragedies in their lives.   

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: 'Appointment In Crime Alley' |

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 25 "The Clock King"

It's about time! The Arkham Sessions returns to the analysis of Batman: The Animated Series with a classic favorite, "The Clock King." The title villain is a seemingly harmless, time-obsessed efficiency expert who learns the unfortunate lession that one small change in his schedule can turn him into a vengeful killer. The show delves into the traits and states of people who are obsessive-compulsive and has us asking if rigidity and extreme order can actually cause more harm than good.

The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In ‘Batman: The Clock King’

It’s about time! The Arkham Sessions returns to the analysis of every episode of Batman: The Animated Series with a classic favorite, “The Clock King.” The title villain is a seemingly harmless, time-obsessed efficiency expert who learns the unfortunate lesson that one small change in his schedule can turn him into a vengeful killer. Of course, Batman won’t let him get away with demolishing trains, overriding the city’s traffic controls, and strapping Gotham’s mayor to the top of the clock tower. With some insight from the episode’s writer, the show delves into the traits and states of people who are obsessive-compulsive. The psychologically satisfying episode has us asking if rigidity and extreme order can actually cause more harm than good.

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In The Clock King |

The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In ‘Batman: The Clock King’

It’s about time! The Arkham Sessions returns to the analysis of every episode of Batman: The Animated Series with a classic favorite, “The Clock King.” The title villain is a seemingly harmless, time-obsessed efficiency expert who learns the unfortunate lesson that one small change in his schedule can turn him into a vengeful killer. Of course, Batman won’t let him get away with demolishing trains, overriding the city’s traffic controls, and strapping Gotham’s mayor to the top of the clock tower. With some insight from the episode’s writer, the show delves into the traits and states of people who are obsessive-compulsive. The psychologically satisfying episode has us asking if rigidity and extreme order can actually cause more harm than good.

Read More: Arkham Sessions: The Psychology of O.C.D. In The Clock King |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_25_The_Clock_King.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:09am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 24 "Batman" (1989)

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Tim Burton's Batman, The Arkham Sessions takes a break from Batman: The Animated Series to pay special tribute to the legendary film that influenced the style, music, and dark themes of the animated show. Is the film, as Burton once described, a story about the intertwined paths of Batman and the Joker, culminating in a "fight between two disturbed people?"  How does Keaton's Bruce Wayne compare to Conroy's version when it comes to the maintenance--or fusion--of multiple identities? How is Nicholson's Joker more destructive and dangerous than Hamill's?  Listen to this special edition of the The Arkham Sessions and reminisce about Batman '89 in a whole new way.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_24_Batman_25th_Anniversary.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:21am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 23 "Fear of Victory"

The menacing, sadistic villain Scarecrow escapes from Arkham Asylum and targets all of Gotham's star athletes. But Scarecrow's fear-inducing crimes are actually not the highlight of this episode. Rather, it's the sudden onset of Robin's panic attacks, his struggle to overcome his fears and Batman's surprising expertise in anxiety treatment that take center ring in this satifying episode!

Did you know that most of us will experience a panic attack at some point in our lives? And over 11% of people will suffer from panic attacks to the point that it interferes with their ability to function.

Did you also know which superhero happens to be an expert on panic attacks? Batman! In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the episode “Fear of Victory” from Batman: The Animated Series.

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology Of 'Fear Of Victory' |

Did you know that most of us will experience a panic attack at some point in our lives? And over 11% of people will suffer from panic attacks to the point that it interferes with their ability to function.

Did you also know which superhero happens to be an expert on panic attacks? Batman! In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the episode “Fear of Victory” from Batman: The Animated Series.

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology Of 'Fear Of Victory' |

Did you know that most of us will experience a panic attack at some point in our lives? And over 11% of people will suffer from panic attacks to the point that it interferes with their ability to function.

Did you also know which superhero happens to be an expert on panic attacks? Batman! In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the episode “Fear of Victory” from Batman: The Animated Series.

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology Of 'Fear Of Victory' |

Did you know that most of us will experience a panic attack at some point in our lives? And over 11% of people will suffer from panic attacks to the point that it interferes with their ability to function.

Did you also know which superhero happens to be an expert on panic attacks? Batman! In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the episode “Fear of Victory” from Batman: The Animated Series.

Read More: The Arkham Sessions: The Psychology Of 'Fear Of Victory' |
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_23_Fear_of_Victory.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:00am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 22 "Vendetta"

Hidden behind the vicious exterior of sharp teeth and menacing claws is a man who has dealt with disfigurement from a medical condition his whole life. How did this physical deformity impact him psychologically? How realistic is his uncontrollable anger and thirst for revenge? The doc explains how biological, cognitive, emotional and social "pathways" interact to explain how the Croc's life choices are actually understandable.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_22_Vendetta.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:32am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 21 "Joker's Favor"

To owe the Joker a favor is never good. Unless, of course, that favor is listening to The Arkham Sessions. In this week's episode, we talk about folks that "snap," we continue to explore the Joker's diagnosis and we're introduced to the Joker's very special numero uno, Harley Quinn!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Ep._21_Jokers_Favor.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 5:01pm PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 20 "Feat of Clay"

You know the story. You start with an attractive, successful actor who finds a "supplement" that helps his career. The "miracle pharmaceutical" happens to have a permanent, insidious side effect. And horrifically, our friend turns into the monstrous villain CLAYFACE and tries to destroy Batman! In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the components of substance abuse disorders, vulnerability to addictions, and how traumatic experiences lead people to "self-medicate."

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_20_Feat_of_Clay.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:15am PST

Batman's no fool. He's a man of science. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we talk about the psychology of persuasion, the principles that con artists use to deceive and defraud us, and the research that shows just who is susceptible to this kind of victimization.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_19_Prophecy_of_Doom.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:18am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 18 "Beware the Gray Ghost"

In a very realistic take on hero worship, this episode introduces us to Batman's idol: The Gray Ghost and shows us that even Batman can be an avid fan of a fictional character, down to his collection of costumes, memorabilia, and toys. But there's more to his fanboy adoration of this T.V. idol-- we discuss how the Gray Ghost represents justice and hope, and how he helped instill Bruce's moral beliefs (sound familiar?). Most of all, the Gray Ghost allows Bruce to honor the memory of his deceased father. Listen here for the full analysis!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Ep._18_Beware_the_Gray_Ghost.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:10am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 17 "See No Evil"

A father with a criminal history and a restraining order against him returns to Gotham City after serving jail time. He begins sneaking into his daughter's room at night and devises a plan to kidnap her without his ex-wife knowing. His strategy? An invisibility suit. Of course, Batman will do everything he can to protect the young girl. In this psychologically-rich episode of The Arkham Sessions, we discuss the mental health of children of incarcerated parents, explain how anonymity can facilitate antisocial behavior, and assert that Batman would make a great father.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_17_See_No_Evil.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:58am PST

The Arkham Sessions, Episode 16 "The Cat and the Claw, Part 2"

In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we delve deeper into Bruce Wayne's struggle with his alter identity as Batman, how he deals with emotional vulnerability, his hunger for romantic connections, and rejection.


Bruce Wayne has finally met his match in the lovely Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman! But has Batman? In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, Dr. Letamendi discusses Bruce's rigidity when wearing the cowl and we even get to talk a little about the psychology of cosplay!


Mr. Freeze is perhaps one of the most fascinating villains in the Batman Universe. He is detached, inexpressive, and like his name implies, cold. And yet, Mr. Freeze is inexplicably lifelike and relatable. "Heart of Ice" is arguably one of the most influential stories from Batman: The Animated Series because of this well-written origin story. After of the sudden, devastating loss of his wife, Nora, scientist Victor Fries transforms into Mr. Freeze, a vengeful killer, willing to harm anyone who steps in his way. But there is more to this tragic story. Under the subzero suit is a person burdened with unrelenting pain and sorrow. In this episode, we discuss the difficulty of dealing with loss and letting go, and explain how being "frozen in grief" is a very real thing. 

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_14_Heart_of_Ice.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:16am PST

In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, Batman's down for the count, but the Junior Detectives, Sherman and Roberta, have this battle with the Penguin covered. Dr. Letamendi discusses the effects of bullying and even blows our minds with her REAL thoughts about this episode of Batman: The Animated Series.


Our old friend, Rupert Thorne, is back and this time, he's terrorizing Gotham's presiding mob boss, Arnold Stromwell. Unfortunately, Stromwell's got some inner demons doing more damage than Thorne ever could. And we check 'em all out on this episode of The Arkham Sessions!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_12_Its_Never_Too_Late.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:38am PST

The epic origin of Two-Face continues with part two! It's been six months since we last saw the former District Attorney disfigured by a horrible blast and now, he's become one of the city's biggest crime bosses. But is he past the point of no return? Batman doesn't think so. And we're not sure either! Find out on this week's episode of The Arkham Sessions!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Ep._11_Two-Face_Part_2.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:15am PST

What can cause a virtuous citizen to transform into a destructive villain? It's the first time we analyze Two-Face, one of Gotham City's most interesting baddies! The amazing two-part episode of Batman: The Animated Series portrays one of the most memorable origin stories. On this week's show, we tackle Part 1 and discuss issues of multiple personalities, bipolar disorder, and hypnotherapy. It's the ultimate story of good vs. evil, moral vs. corrupt, loyalty vs. betrayal!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Ep._10_Two-Face_Part_1.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:18am PST

Gotham's most dangerous villain is back--this time, with something to prove!  We deconstruct yet another episode of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES which features The Joker! This portrayal of the "psychotic clown" shows both his callous, destructive side as well as his jovial, charming nature. In this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we talk about the Joker's most likely mental health condition, discuss the personality trait known as "risk-taking," and question why clowns freak us the bat out!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_9_Be_A_Clown.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 12:35pm PST

Episode 8 "The Forgotten"
Bruce Wayne gets hit over the head by a street thug and develops amnesia in "The Forgotten," a memorable--see what we did there?-- episode of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. We discuss memory disorders, traumatic brain injury, and ridiculously high-waisted pants in this episode of The Arkham Sessions, a podcast dedicated to the psychology of Batman!

Have psychology related questions about Batman? Write to us on Twitter (@ArkhamSessions) or on Facebook (!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Ep._8_The_Forgotten.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:16am PST

It's a classic case of "He Said/They Said," when Detective Bullock rushes into a building before his back-up's arrived. And, naturally, the Batman's at the center of the truth and the lies. Or is it all about perception and how we remember events? Dr. Andrea Letamendi and Brian Ward dive into episode 7 to find out!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Ep._7_P.O.V..mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 7:15am PST

Imagine that Fagin from Oliver Twist and Captain Hook from Peter Pan had a love child. Now give him an eyepatch and pet killer crocs. You've got the Sewer King, a cruel man who kidnaps young runaways in Gotham City and forces them to work for him in cavernous sewers under the city. We learn that nothing angers Batman more than child maltreatment in this episode of The Arkham Sessions, a podcast dedicated to the psychological analysis of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_6_The_Underdwellers.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 9:18am PST

It's finally time to talk about the ladies of Gotham! Or at least one lady: Poison Ivy. Maybe we've fallen under her tantalizing spell, but we're pretty sympathetic of her murderous actions in this episode of The Arkham Sessions, a podcast dedicated to the psychological deconstruction of the classic show, BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. I'm also convinced that Batman's greatest threat is a giant killer vagina. Trust me on this one.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_5_Pretty_Poison.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57am PST

The Psychotic Clown is back! But, wait; is "psychotic" the right word to describe the Joker? Join us in the 4th episode of The Arkham Sessionsas we delve into another classic episode of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. Oh, and Bruce Wayne takes a LOT of showers in this one.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_4_The_Last_Laugh.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:39am PST

What are phobias? How are they treated? And what is Batman really afraid of? (OK, that one is fairly obvious, we admit). The Arkham Sessions explores the theme of fear and anxiety through the mischief of another classic Gotham City villain, The Scarecrow, from BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_3_Nothing_to_Fear.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 3:34pm PST

Think the Joker is psychotic? Delusional? Or just unloved? This is the second episode of The Arkham Sessions, a fun and insightful podcast dedicated to the observation and clinical analysis of the characters in BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. In this episode, we explore why the Joker and the Bat may have more in common than you might think! So grab a hot chocolate, put on those new bat-slippers, and listen to our holiday special!

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_2_Christmas_with_the_Joker.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 3:19pm PST

Welcome, Gothamites! This is the first episode of The Arkham Sessions, a fun and insightful podcast dedicated to the observation and clinical analysis of the characters in BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. The first episode debuts the Dark Knight and his entangled encounter with the villain of the week, Man-Bat! Think you know what makes Man-Bat tick... er, flap? Check out the episode and comment below!

Direct download: Arkham_Sessions_Episode_1_On_Leather_Wings.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 3:07pm PST