Wed, 19 August 2015
We revisit the psychology of the Mad Hatter, exploring his obsession with control, manipulation and alteration of other people's minds, and his fundamentally damaged and poor sense of self. Additionally, could symbolism and superstition actually have a significant effect on our behavior and thought patterns? And is having a worry-free or stress-free life such a good idea?
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_65_The_Worry_Men.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 12:15pm PST
Fri, 14 August 2015
Batman diagnoses Arnold Wesker (AKA The Ventriloquist) as having Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder. But is this diagnois accurate? And is Batman qualified to make this diagnosis, to begin with? In this episode, Dr. Andrea Letamendi breaks down this controversial disorder and tells us what she thinks of Batman's assessment.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_64_Read_My_Lips.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 1:06pm PST
Mon, 3 August 2015
This week, we get a clear portrayal of a full-fledged delusional disorder in a new villain: Maxie Zeus. We discuss the diagnosis of Delusional Disorder, types of delusions and the impact the illness could have on the family members, partners and colleagues around the person suffering. Finally, we consider what the real differences are between Batman and Maxie Zeus--could they actually be more alike based on their fixed values, impervious beliefs, and the "creation" of an identity?
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_63_Fire_From_Olympus.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 3:36pm PST