Tue, 21 October 2014
Our first LIVE episode of The Arkham Sessions! From San Diego Comic Fest, we bring you our conversation about "Joker's Wild!" This discussion with the audience gives us the perfect chance to re-analyze the Joker as well as Batman, himself. Especially since this episode proves that he can, at times, be a little too single-minded, putting the lives of those he's trying to protect in jeopardy.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_41_Jokers_Wild_LIVE.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:13am PST
Fri, 17 October 2014
It's taken 40 episodes, but we're FINALLY introduced to The Riddler and it's worth the wait, as we talk about the battle of wits between Batman and the newest member of his Rogues Gallery. But is Batman off his game a little in Round 1? Or is he giving Robin the chance to step up? Is either scenario a healthy one? Find out in this episode of The Arkham Sessions!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_40_If_Youre_So_Smart_Why_Arent_You_Rich.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 10:20am PST
Tue, 14 October 2014
Wayne Enterprises is working on Artificial Intelligence, but this a good idea? After all, the man responsible for teaching Bruce everything he knows about electronics has already developed his own supercomputer and it's not working out well. We talk about A.I., hypothesize that this episode isn't really about A.I. at all, discuss Roko's Basilisk and more on this episode of The Arkham Sessions.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_39_Heart_of_Steel.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 10:55am PST
Fri, 3 October 2014
Is Batman stressed out? During this episode of The Arkham Sessions, we take a look at relaxation therapy with Dr. Hugo Strange. We also take a moment to sample one real relaxation technique. Listen to this episode for a chance to get de-stressed!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_38_The_Strange_Secret_of_Bruce_Wayne.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 9:22am PST