Wed, 30 September 2015
Ra's al Ghul has returned and wants to learn the secrets of life and death--beyond those he already has from the Lazarus Pit. Only two people can stop him: Batman and his own daughter, Talia. Will Batman learn from his last experiences with the al Ghul family? FInd out in "Avatar!"
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_69_Avatar.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 10:26am PST
Fri, 25 September 2015
The Batman is put on trial by the Rogues Gallery. His charge: the very creation of the Rogues themselves! And his defense attorney is none other that Janet Van Dorn, the prosecutor that believes Batman should be imprisoned with the lot of them! Does her opinion change during his defense? And would it, if she really had to defend Batman in a court of law? Dr. Andrea Letamendi will tell you why or why not in "Trial!"
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_68_Trial.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 1:38pm PST
Thu, 17 September 2015
How similar to the Batman is Harvey Bullock? As someone wants Bullock dead, we get the first good chance to dive deeper into this polarizing character!
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_67_A_Bullet_For_Bullock.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 1:16pm PST
Tue, 1 September 2015
It's our first time evaluating the REAL Killer Croc since his very first appearance in "Vendetta." How has he changed since then? And is it possible for someone like him to reform after meeting up with a community of people who have had many of the same experiences he has?
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_66_Sideshow.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 9:05am PST