THE ARKHAM SESSIONS, by Dr. Andrea Letamendi and Brian Ward, is a weekly podcast dedicated to the observation and clinical analysis of the characters in BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and DOOM PATROL.

Over Valentine's Day weekend, we held our second live San Diego Comic Fest panel and had a great conversation about the podcast and the psychology of Batman, his allies and the Rogues Gallery.


She's a doll. She's a baby. She's ...homicidal? Baby Doll was a child actor who was afflicted with the congenital disease called Systemic Hypoplasia, a condition that stunted her growth and caused her to appear 5 years old forever and her developmental and identity mismatch created a significant amount of psychological conflict for her. In this episode, we discuss the complexity of Mary's condition: the psychic disequilibrium she experiences when her authentic self isn't recognized by others, the impact her physiology had on her social development, and the possibility that Batman seems to be the one person who relates to her.

Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_77_Baby-Doll.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 1:45pm PST