Mon, 27 January 2014
Imagine that Fagin from Oliver Twist and Captain Hook from Peter Pan had a love child. Now give him an eyepatch and pet killer crocs. You've got the Sewer King, a cruel man who kidnaps young runaways in Gotham City and forces them to work for him in cavernous sewers under the city. We learn that nothing angers Batman more than child maltreatment in this episode of The Arkham Sessions, a podcast dedicated to the psychological analysis of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_6_The_Underdwellers.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 9:18am PST
Mon, 27 January 2014
It's finally time to talk about the ladies of Gotham! Or at least one lady: Poison Ivy. Maybe we've fallen under her tantalizing spell, but we're pretty sympathetic of her murderous actions in this episode of The Arkham Sessions, a podcast dedicated to the psychological deconstruction of the classic show, BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. I'm also convinced that Batman's greatest threat is a giant killer vagina. Trust me on this one.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_5_Pretty_Poison.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57am PST
Mon, 27 January 2014
The Psychotic Clown is back! But, wait; is "psychotic" the right word to describe the Joker? Join us in the 4th episode of The Arkham Sessionsas we delve into another classic episode of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. Oh, and Bruce Wayne takes a LOT of showers in this one.
Direct download: The_Arkham_Sessions_Episode_4_The_Last_Laugh.mp3
Category:Pop Culture Psychology -- posted at: 8:39am PST